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Welcome to Recycled Pets, Inc.!
PO Box 10626 Rock Hill, SC 29731 (803) 981-5087
Recycled Pets, Inc.

About us...


Recycled Pets, Inc. was founded by Teri McAllister in 2000.  It is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization run solely by volunteers.  We are dedicated to the rescue and adoption of unwanted pets.  Recycled Pets, Inc. places a strong emphasis on spay/neuter programs.

We are an all breed rescue, therefore you may find a happy-go-lucky Heinz 57 or a purebred cocker spaniel.  They're all special in their own way and we hope you think so too!  Each and every animal that we rescue has a home with us until they find that special someone to adopt them.  We are a no-kill shelter and are committed to caring for the pets in our care in the best manner possible.

Teri McAllister is President. She  goes non-stop in the care of these animals.  She is a groomer and can make the gnarliest looking dog look like a million bucks.  We have taken dogs destined for euthanasia at the local pound because they looked (and smelled) just awful and turned them into beautiful well-loved pets in their new adoptive homes.  She is up with the birds to be sure they get out and are fed; she stays up with them half the night if they are sick; she rushes home from work to let them out and clean their kennels; and she cries if they pass over the Rainbow Bridge.  It is this dedication and undying love of our furry, four-legged friends that fuels Recycled Pets, Inc.  There is no better champion to homeless animals.

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Last Updated: 2/21/2025 7:47 PM
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