Long Term Residents...
Recycled Pets, Inc. is a no-kill shelter. As such, sometimes we take in animals that never find a home. Typically, they have behavioral issues due to an abusive past life that they've never been able to overcome. There are those that just have personality issues not suitable to most homes. Others may have health issues that no one wants to take on. Whatever the reason, they are here to stay. True to our no-kill billing, we keep them at our shelter where they receive food, water, shelter, veterinary care and companionship (mostly from the other dogs in our care, but also from our volunteers if the animal will allow it). These animals would truly benefit from sponsorship to help pay for their care. Take a look at some of our long time residents, and see if you can find it in your heart to donate to give them the support they need. They (and the Recycled Pets volunteers) would appreciate it! Your donations are tax deductible. Recycled Pets, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Sponsor a pet here:
NOTE: These animals may be available for adoption in some instances; however, they will require a special home. If you think you have what it takes to care for one of these pets, please complete an application.
This poor fellow was abused in his previous life and now appears to be a permanent resident at our facility. He has been cared for since before Recycled Pets came into being in the year 2000.
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