Senior Pets...
Many pets in this day and age live to be 15 to 20 years of age. Elderly pets are not prone to destructiveness and are more likely to lay at your feet (or in your lap) to enjoy the simple things in life (like a good ear rub or a simple massage from their loving owners). They are ready and able to give unconditional love just as their younger counterparts are willing to do without the stress factors of hormones or high metabolisms. Perfect for elderly caretakers as their demands are not as high as those of a younger animal. They have their place in this world, is it a part of yours?

Everyone is the age of their heart. ~Guatemalan Proverb
The years teach much which the days never knew. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Grow old with me! The best is yet to be. ~Robert Browning
No (dog) loves life, like him that's growing old. ~Sophocles
The evening of life brings with it its lamps. ~Joseph Joubert
What find you better or more honorable than age? Take the preeminence of it in everything--in an old friend; in old wine; in an old pedigree. ~Shackerley Marmion