Physically Challenged Pets...
Pets, like people, are sometimes afflicted with physical challenges like blindness, deafness, paralysis, and allergies to name a few. They, like their human counterparts, learn to adapt to the hand that life has dealt them, and live happy lives despite their handicaps. Won't you please consider a physically challenged pet as a part of your future? There are various resources available to educate you on your dog's particular handicap on the internet. We have included a few below. Here are some special needs pets that may be of interest to you.

Panzer: Learn more about Panzer here!
Panzer is a loving American bulldog that is deaf. He will require a fenced yard and should not be allowed to wander off lead if outside of the security of a fence. Deaf dogs can learn hand commands and can live quite happily in a secure environment. There are resources and training tips available from the Deaf Dog Education Action Fund website.