In Memory Of...
Looking for a way to honor an event, special person in your life or a pet that has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge? Please consider a donation to honor their memory. Please use our Paypal button below
or send a check to Recycled Pets, Inc., P.O. Box 10626, Rock Hill, SC 29731. Please include the details and we will add your gift and memorial on this memorial page. Scroll down and see what others have done to honor their loved ones.
Hi Teri,
My wife, Mary B. and I adopted Patch from you around 7 years ago. When we met him with several other really nice dogs there he picked us and decided to come home with us. He was the best dog we have ever had grace to our lives.
Patch passed away yesterday, he had a cough and we took him to the vet on Tuesday and found out he had some congestion and got medicine. He seemed like he was doing better and responding to the meds, but when we got up Friday morning he was very sick and just laid down and went to sleep. We comforted him and stayed with him until the end. He has a place on the hill behind the house where he loved to lay and watch us and his other 2 dog friends.
We were lucky to have been allowed to have him as our friend and companion for these years.
I just wanted to let you know about him and to thank you for introducing us to him when you did.
Thanks so much!
Dave and Mary B. Sizemore
In Memory of Bruce Kramer…
Bruce Kramer, a special friend to Recycled Pets, Inc. as well as its volunteers, passed away Wednesday, February 25, 2009. Teri McAllister and Bruce, were friends for 15 years. They met over the care of a special cocker spaniel named Glue. Bruce and his wife, Rhonda, funded surgery for Glue’s ears and they became fast friends. Bruce was a staunch supporter of animal rescue--donating time and money whenever and wherever it was needed. He was instrumental in the start up of Recycled Pets, Inc. contributing his vast knowledge of finances and computers to assist in preparing tax forms and the launching of our first website. Teri remembers spending hours going over adoption applications with Bruce in the evenings arguing over whom would be allowed to adopt those homeless pets that had become dear to her heart. Although he became more of a ‘silent partner’ as time went on, Bruce made all the difference in the establishment of our organization as we know it today. Over the years, he donated thousands of dollars to our cause. It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to our friend and benefactor. We’ll miss you, friend. We’ll miss you.
The Love of a Dog Named Cadbury
For those who know both Jameson and I, you know how much our three dogs mean to us. They are like our children. Just yesterday (1/18/2009) our dog, Cadbury, died of a massive heart attack. She was the best dog in the world. She was always happy to see anyone and everyone that came to our house. She loved to go on boat rides, car rides, or just walk around outside with you. She always made sure Jameson and I were happy. She laid with us when we were sick, loved on us when we were sad, and played with us when she was happy. She loved to visit my mom (Grandma) and play in her backyard. She was an absolutely amazing dog. She was taken from us so suddenly with no warning. She became very loving toward us her last few weeks with us, as if she knew her time was drawing near. I will never forget the five years I was blessed to have her in my life. She kept Jameson and I together through everything. I owe her everything that I am today, and Jameson and I owe her for our relationship. Never take for granted the time you have with your pet. You never know when it will be time for them to go. I love you Cadbury more than anything in this world. I can't wait to see you again soon. Your brother, sister, and daddy miss you so unbelievably much. You were the absolute best dog I could have ever asked for. I would give anything to hold you one more time, to play with you one more time, and to tell you how much I love you. May you rest in peace in Grandma's backyard. I promise to visit you all the time. You have touched my heart and changed my life. I love you baby! I miss you!
Stacy & Jameson
In Memory of Murphy...
Sunny was only in our lives for about seven years. She had a reaction to some medication and passed away from complications. The loss of this wonderful friend is almost unbearable for Lois and myself. We thank God for the fun. joy and time we were able to have with Sunny.
We want to thank our vet, Dr Mike and Sandy. We know you did everything possible and how difficult this was on both of you as well.
Lois & Tom
What a fantastic life! Hendrix came to us as a new puppy my daughter received after I firmly said "NO". From his first day as a fuzz ball on the front porch Hendrix gave us incredible fun and love.
When I would get home from work and look down the driveway and see your big smile (yes, dogs do smile) all the stress of the day melted away. For almost eighteen years he cared for us and was always the most gentle and caring friend. We thank God for the fun, joy and time we had with Hendrix.
We want to thank our vet, Dr Mike and Sandy. Your excellent care provided Hendrix a healthy life.
Hendrix, you will always remain in our hearts.
Lois & Tom
In memory of Gretel Dunphy
Peter Stith
In memory of Nancy Cravatt
Carol Fox Hartz
In memory of my dog, Gretel
Colleen Dumphy
In memory of Carmen
Charles Free
In memory of Nelson Garstka
Virginia Garstka
In memory of Jamie Gibson. Please view their memorial page Here
Pat & Charlie Corriveau